
Bernard Verdoodt


Bernard uses his experience in the creation and management of companies to maintain the agility and entrepreneurial spirit necessary to ensure that Nove performs at the highest level for all of its clients.

A founding member of Nove, Bernard supervises the company’s day-to-day activities and has extensive knowledge of the Belgian communications and advertising sectors.

Bernard began his career at Unilever as an Account Manager from 1992 to 1996.

He then led CPM, a subsidiary of OMNICOM ltd, operating in the marketing and public relations sectors, acting as its Managing Director until 2005. Prior to joining Nove, Bernard was actively involved in launching, financing and advising start-ups, mainly in the digital economy.





French, English, Dutch

Grow in EMEA

e2968, 82A James Carter Rd,
Mildenhall, Bury Saint Edmunds
IP28 7DE, UK

Jaama 101, Tartu,
50604, Estonia